Supporting career development through apprenticeships
Do you have a career pathway in mind?

The pathways tool lets you create or view different apprenticeship career routes. Use the boxes below to either be shown an example pathway or to discover your own.

This tool is ideal to use with staff or for career development. There are a number of ways to use this tool, such as in an appraisal, for career and CPD planning or to download and provide at career events.

Everybody’s journey is different due to the different qualifications and experience they hold. This may mean that they can skip a level or that they need to achieve additional academic qualifications prior to applying. Always check the employer and university entry requirements.

Disclaimer: This tool is constantly evolving as new apprenticeship standards are developed or added. It includes standards that are at varying stages of development and may not yet be approved for delivery. The routes the tool displays are for illustration only and ultimately is up to the employer which apprenticeships they offer.