Assistant Practitioner Apprenticeship – Mandating a qualification

15 June, 2021

As part of the Assistant Practitioner standard consultation survey, some specific questions about the inclusion of mandatory qualifications were asked.

The results of the survey provided evidence of strong support from respondents to continue to mandate a qualification in the Assistant Practitioner apprenticeship.

Respondents key messages were:

  • Qualifications are recognised by employers and are cited in job descriptions and person specifications as a requirement of employment
  • Parity with the Nursing Associate apprenticeship was deemed important
  • Supporting HE progression routes, particularly into the registered healthcare professions, is a workforce priority

Having considered the above, the Trailblazer Group have now agreed that the apprenticeship standard for Assistant Practitioner should become an ‘Integrated Foundation Degree Apprenticeship.’  This means that the named qualification will be a foundation degree and RQF qualifications will no longer be used in the apprenticeship.

The standard, EPA plan and costings are likely to be submitted in the autumn and the revised apprenticeship standard should be available for use in the new year.