Through the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme, primary care networks (PCNs) can claim reimbursement for the salaries (and some on costs) of 17 new roles within the multidisciplinary team, selected to meet the needs of the local population. This includes reimbursing training time for nursing associates to become registered nurses.
Please see flow chart below for an illustration of how ARRS funding can support an individual to go from a trainee nursing associate (TNA) to a registered nurse (RN).

Apprenticeship training is a great way to develop new or existing members of staff. An apprentice is an employee who receives funded vocational training directly relevant to their role. How and when this training is delivered is flexible. The tri-partite nature of an apprenticeship, with its close working relationship between the employer, training provider and apprentice, promotes development that benefits the practice, the staff team and individual. Many roles are available, including Assistant Practice Manager, Healthcare Support Worker and many others. Access the which apprenticeships support the Primary Care workforce document for further details.
Employers must pay the apprentice’s salary but in the case of the nursing associate and trainee nursing associate, funding for the salary can be drawn down via the local Primary Care Network through the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS). Further details about the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS) can be accessed here. (These are currently the only roles that attract ARRS funding when pursued via an apprenticeship route).
Please also note the following points:
- Both trainee nursing associates and registered nursing associate roles are already reimbursable via ARRS (from October 2020).
- From October 2022 PCNs (Primary Care Networks) are now also able to claim reimbursement for nursing associates training to become a registered nurse. This is where nursing associates can undertake a ‘top up’ programme, utilising Recognised Prior Learning (RPL), to train to become a registered nurse while continuing to deliver their nursing associate role within the PCN.
- The reimbursable amount is equivalent to a band 4 salary.
- This has been added into the Network contract DES from October 2022 (see B11.4 and B11.5 for full details)
- Following completion of their Nurse Training learners may need to undertake additional training (for example a GPN course that includes content such as a long-term conditions, sexual health, minor illness, and independent / supplementary nurse prescribing). This is not currently covered in the Network contract DES.