Primary Care Apprenticeships – Salma Shabir & Julie Taylor

16 November, 2023

Primary care services provide the first point of contact in the healthcare system, acting as the ‘front door’ of the NHS.

We are highlighting employers and apprentices’ experiences of apprenticeships in Primary Care.

This week we spoke to Julie Taylor who is undertaking Level 6 Registered Nurse – Degree (NMC 2018) apprenticeship standard at High Street Surgery. We also spoke to Salma Shabir who is undertaking a Level 5 Nursing Associate (NMC 2018) apprenticeship standard at St. Georges Surgery.

“I’m very honoured to be able to complete my nurse training as an apprenticeship student as I couldn’t have done it otherwise.” Julie Taylor

Read more about Salma’s experiences as an apprentice.

Read more about Julie’s experiences as an apprentice.

Visit our Primary Care section for more guidance and resources.