Apprenticeship reform announced

25 September, 2024

Image of a megaphone.The launch of Skills England was announced in July 2024 as a new body aiming to create a responsive and collaborative skills system.

Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer and Education Secretary Bridget Phillipson have now announced a new Growth and Skills Levy which will replace the existing apprenticeship levy.

Training eligible for funding under the new Growth and Skills Levy will develop over time.

Reforms include allowing for greater flexibility, the new levy will allow funding for shorter apprenticeships. This contrasts with the current system where apprenticeships must be at least 12 months in duration.

The launch of new Foundation Apprenticeships was also announced. These new apprenticeships aim to give young people a route into careers in critical sectors.

There will also be upcoming changes to some Level 7 apprenticeships, which will involve businesses funding more of these outside the levy.

Further details will be announced in due course. You can find out more here.

Skills England has also published it’s first report.

The report has found that employer investment in training has been in steady decline over the past decade, with training expenditure at its lowest level since records began in 2011, with investment per employee down by 19% in real terms.

Access Skills England report here.