
Bksb (One Advanced) – Free access for Employers

NHS England has commissioned bksb to give free access to bksb to all NHS trusts, community, primary and adult social care employers. Basic Key Skills Builder (bksb for short) is a market-leading, functional skills software package.

Individual staff members can study at their own pace and access the system at any time.

Bksb (One Advanced) can: 
  • Help prepare staff for functional skills qualifications in English and maths.
  • Be used for skills analysis by employers to inform workforce planning.

To get started, email hee@bksb.co.uk with the following information:

  • The main contact for the trust
  • Number of learners estimated

Once bksb has completed the required checks, they will get you up and running with bksb.

You can access bksb for NHS and Social Care workers here.

The National Functional Skills Employer Guide will show you how to support different types of staff.

Bksb is not to be utilised for the following purposes:
  • As a screening tool for recruitment
  • To exclude individuals from access to employment or educational opportunities

Where a certain level of functional skills is required for a role or course, we expect bksb to form part of the solution to support an individual to work towards this goal. If an employer does not use the funded access in the intended spirit, NHS England reserves the right to remove access for that organisation.