The draft Apprenticeship Funding Rules for 2022/23 are now available. The Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) have made the document available at this point to give the opportunity for feedback.
Any feedback should be sent to by 24 June 2022. Following a review of any feedback, the ESFA will issue a final version of the rules in July.
There have been changes to a few areas, including:
- Initial Assessment will be added as an eligible cost.
- Off-the-job training: Currently an apprentice must train for a minimum of 20% of their working hours. From 1st August, the minimum volume of hours will no longer be linked to working hours. Instead there will be a consistent figure, irrespective of the hours worked by the apprentice. This will be 6 hours per week.
- English and maths requirements for Level 2 apprenticeships. People who start a L2 apprenticeship without L1 English and maths will no longer need to automatically attempt L2 English and Maths tests to complete their apprenticeship.
- Changes to the payment service for providers, a reduction in the data needed to make payments and improvements to Apprenticeship Service financial reports
Click here to access the summary of changes.
You can access the Apprenticeship funding rules and guidance for employers here.