Apprenticeship Funding Rules 2023 -2024: Version 2 now published

31 October, 2023

The Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) produce a list of rules for employer providers, training providers and performance management. These rules must be followed to get funding for training and assessing apprentices in England.

Version 2 of the funding rules effective from 1st August 2023 to July 2024 have now been published.

There have been a few changes including:

  • The guidance has been updated to reflect the new Apprenticeship Provider and Assessment Register (APAR)
  • It is accepted that prior learning is less likely to exist for 16 -18 year olds but, where this is the case, the provider must still evidence this with a check of the personal learning record and a discussion. There is no longer a requirement to complete a skills scan in this scenario.
  • The ESFA have clarified the circumstances where they expect a revised training plan to be agreed and re-signed by the employer. Changes to the training plan that fall outside of these examples do not need an employer signature.

You can access the Funding Rules here.

You access further guidance and resources on our Funding and Levy page.