The Apprenticeship Off the Job Training Guide was updated in October to reflect the 2023/2024 Funding rules.
This guide takes you through what off-the-job training means, how to calculate and document off-the-job training as well as delivering and evidencing it.
What the funding rules say:
The provider must ensure that off-the-job training delivers new skills that are directly relevant to the apprenticeship standard. It can include:
- The teaching of theory (e.g. lectures, role playing, simulation exercises, online learning and manufacturer training);
- Practical training (e.g. shadowing, mentoring, industry visits and participation in competitions);
- Learning support;
- Time spent writing assignments; and
- Revision (where this is specifically required for achievement of the apprenticeship).
The Off the Job Training Guide states the following:
There are four key tests. To be considered as off-the-job training, the activity must:
- Teach new knowledge, skills and behaviours;
- Be directly relevant to the apprenticeship standard;
- Take place in the apprentice’s normal working hours; and
- Exclude ineligible activities such as initial assessment and English and maths.
What’s not included:
The provider must ensure that the following activities are not included as off-the-job training:
- Initial assessment and onboarding activities;
- English and maths training;
- Training to acquire knowledge, skills and behaviours that are not required by the apprenticeship standard;
- Progress reviews;
- Examinations and other testing; and
- Training which takes place outside the apprentice’s normal working hours (unless the apprentice has been paid for these additional hours or been given time off in lieu).