The Department for Education (DFE) have published statistics covering apprenticeships and traineeships for the first two quarters of the 2021/22 academic year (August 2021 to January 2022).
Revised achievement rates for 2019/20, originally published in March 2021, are also now available.
These statistics include the following:
- apprenticeships (aged 16 and over)
- traineeships (aged 16 to 24)
- official statistics covering the apprenticeship service and ‘find an apprenticeship’
Some figures for the first two quarter of 2021/22 include:
- Apprenticeship starts reported to date (Aug to Jan) are 204,000
- Proportion of starts on standards was 99.5% (202,900)
- Proportion of starts supported by ASA (Apprenticeship Service Account) levy funds was 58.5 (119,300)%
- Under 19s accounted for 27.6% of starts (56,200).
- 78,700 incentive claims so far for apprenticeships starting in the first two quarters. This compares to 54,700 for the same period in 2020/21.
- As of Quarter 2 of the 2021/22 academic year, since May 2015 there have been 2,736,600 apprenticeship starts and since May 2010 this total stands at 5,114,200.
The proportion of starts by level was:
- Advanced Apprenticeships: 43.2% or 88,100 starts
- Higher Apprenticeships: 29.7% or 60,600 starts
For further information on these statistics – click here