Business Administration Apprenticeship – Update

22 June, 2020

The Level 2 Business Administration apprenticeship framework has been a vital entry level route into the NHS for many years. With the removal of this framework from 31st July 2020 and no direct replacement apprenticeship standard, HEE are seeking to ensure there is a fit for purpose alternative.

HEE are not funding the proposed apprenticeship programme. This is a national procurement to enable NHS employers to spend their Apprenticeship Levy on a high quality bespoke Customer Service programme adapted to reflect the specific business and operational needs of health and social care, and with the vast majority of apprentices unable to access the Level 3 Business Administration due to the Maths & English requirements.

The £100m announced by FeWeek in its 321 edition published on June 19th 2020 represents anticipated employer Levy spend on this programme over four years.