From the 1 August 2023, when an organisation receives recognition for a standard from Ofqual or the Office for Students (OfS) they will automatically be placed onto the list of approved EPAOs.
Department for Education (DfE) will merge this list with the Register of Apprenticeship Training providers (RoATP) and rename it the ‘Apprenticeship Providers and Assessment Register’ (APAR).
New organisations will still need to create an account on the apprenticeship service to confirm their place on the register, but they will no longer have to undertake two application processes.
Although DfE are merging the ROATP with the new APAR the application process for providers and supporting providers will remain the same.
From the 1 August 2023 apprenticeship providers will be responsible for choosing the EPAO for an employer unless the employer wishes to continue to select the EPAO themselves.
Further information and guidance from Department for Education will be made in the next few weeks.