Would you be interested in joining a small group to develop a new Diagnostic Imaging option in the Senior Healthcare Support Worker apprenticeship standard?
The Trailblazer is seeking interest from employers who want to use an apprenticeship to develop the diagnostic imaging support workforce and would be able to join a group to draft the content of the apprenticeship option. At level 3, the Senior Healthcare Support Worker apprenticeship standard has been reviewed during 2021-22 and is due to be published by the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education. With 6 existing options for Adult Nursing, AHP Therapy, Mental Health, Maternity, Children & Young People and Theatres this apprenticeship is already used widely across the sector. The creation of a new Diagnostic Imaging option will be an important addition to this apprenticeship standard.
To express your interest in joining the group to develop the option, please email healthcare.trailblazer@skillsforhealth.org.uk giving your name, job title, organisation name and a brief outline of your interest by 20th May 2022.