Entries to the National Apprenticeship and Skills Awards

6 June, 2024

Entries to the National Apprenticeship and Skills Awards will open on Monday 10 June 2024.

Returning for their 21st year, the Department for Education’s National Apprenticeship and Skills Awards are a fantastic opportunity to showcase the apprentices, employers and champions who have excelled this year.

2024 sees the introduction of two T Levels awards, to celebrate the success of T Level employers and T Level students across the country.

They have twelve categories to recognise exceptional employers, apprentices, T Level Students and Skills Champions.

Apprentice of the Year and Skills Champion categories
•  The Intermediate Apprentice of the Year Award (level 2)
•  The Advanced Apprentice of the Year Award (level 3)
•  The Higher Apprentice of the Year Award (levels 4 and 5)
•  The Degree Level Apprentice of the Year Award (levels 6 or above)
•  The Rising Star of the Year Award (Apprentices that have made impressive progress in their career to date, and have the potential to go even further. Nominations are made by their employer)
•  The Skills Champion of the Year Award (Individuals who go ‘above and beyond’ to champion apprenticeships and skills. Nominations are made by a colleague or contact who recognises an individual’s ‘champion’ credentials)

Employer of the Year categories
•  The SME Employer of the Year Award (for organisations with 1 to 249 employees)
•  The Large Employer of the Year Award (for organisations with 250+ employees)
•  The Social Justice Employer of the Year Award (Presented to an organisation which demonstrates the impact it has had in creating opportunities and support for those who are disadvantaged or under-represented)
•  The IfATE Skills Development Partner of the Year Award (Presented to an individual who has gone the extra mile to develop, approve, review and revise apprenticeships and technical qualifications in partnership with Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education)

New for 2024
•  The T Level Student of the Year Award (Presented to a T Level student who has made a real difference to their workplace and used a T Level to boost their career)

  • The T Level Employer of the Year Award (Presented to an employer who has made a real difference by putting industry placements at the heart of its business and reaped the benefits)

It is free to enter the awards, and all entries must be made through the National Apprenticeship and Skills Awards application website.