This month we say farewell to a valued colleague – Kirk Lower.
Kirk has led Health Education England’s national Talent for Care (T4C) work since the very beginning, and is soon to leave both the programme and HEE as a first and significant part of his overall retirement plan. Kirk leaves us at the end of June but insists he will always follow Talent for Care’s progress.
Kirk has championed the whole of the Talent for Care ethos – the focus and importance of the 60% of the healthcare workforce who are in support or assistant roles, the valuable input of our Volunteers, in championing widening access and participation, aligning the technical education reforms to the opportunities for our future talent pipeline into the health care workforce – and of course apprenticeships!
Although he is leaving HEE (Health Education England), Kirk will be continuing as Chair of the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education’s Health and Science Route Panel, and he will remain a college governor in his home patch of Lowestoft and Great Yarmouth.
In Kirks own words :
“Leading T4C has been hugely rewarding on a personal level and, of course, its outcomes have been life changing for so many of those directly participating in its numerous programmes.”
On behalf of all of us – our sincere thanks to you Kirk for your unerring support and sponsorship of our work, and every good wish for your next life adventure!
Jane Hadfield, Talent for Care, HEE