Skills England

24 July, 2024

The Prime Minister and Education Secretary have announced the launch of Skills England. Richard Pennycook CBE, former chief executive of the Co-operative Group and lead non-executive director at the Department for Education (DfE), has been appointed as the interim Chair.

This new body will be established in phases over the next 9 to 12 months to create a responsive and collaborative skills system. It will aim to support local areas to develop the skilled workforces they need and will identify the training for which the growth and skills levy will be accessible.

Next steps for establishing Skills England:

  • First phase: set up the organisation in shadow form within the DfE, and start work on an assessment of future skills needs while building strong relationships with employers. A permanent board, Chair and CEO will be appointed in due course.
  • The route for employers to shape skills training is currently offered by IfATE. IfATE’s functions will transfer to Skills England, as part of the new organisation’s broader remit. IfATE will continue its important work in the interim as the transition of functions to Skills England are finalised.
  • Skills England will hold responsibility for maintaining a list of levy-eligible training to ensure value for money, and that the mix of government-funded training available to learners and employers aligns with the identified skills needs.
  • The government will also bring forward a comprehensive strategy for post-16 education to break down barriers to opportunity, support the development of a skilled workforce, and drive economic growth through our industrial strategy.

To find out more on Skills England.