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Results for 'advanced practitioner'
Advanced Clinical Practitioner (Degree)Approved7YesAdvanced Clinical Practitioner (Degree)
This apprenticeship standard is approved for delivery
Advanced Clinical Practitioners are experienced clinicians who demonstrate expertise in their scope of practice. Advanced Clinical Practitioners manage defined episodes of clinical care independently, from beginning to end, providing care and treatment from the time an individual first presents through to the end of the episode, which may include admission, referral or discharge or care at home. They carry out their full range of duties in relation to individuals’ physical and mental healthcare and in acute, primary, urgent and emergency settings (including hospitals, general practice, individuals’ homes, schools and prisons, and in the public, independent, private and charity sectors). They combine expert clinical skills with research, education and clinical leadership within their scope of practice. Advanced Clinical Practitioners work innovatively on a one to one basis with individuals as well as part of a wider team. They work as part of the wider health and social care team and across traditional professional boundaries in health and social care.
Route: Health and Science
Funding £ (Max): 12,000
Reference: ST0564
Typical length: 36 months
Level 7
- Web page version of Standard and Assessment Plan documents.
- News/updates
- Organisations involved
- Proposal submitted (anonymised version)
- Advanced Clinical Practice in England – Final report
- Standard snapshot
Status: Approved
- Proposal Approved
- Standard Approved
- EPA Plan Approved
- Funding Band Assigned
- Training Provider Registered
- EPAO Registered
Advanced Forensic Practitioner (Custody or Sexual Offence)Approved7YesAdvanced Forensic Practitioner (Custody or Sexual Offence)
This apprenticeship standard is approved for delivery.
This occupation is found in Sexual Assault Referral Centres (SARCs) and within pathways for sexual violence services and within Police custodial settings. The unique element to this role is to provide evidence for the police, understanding the ethical frameworks in which healthcare in the criminal justice system considers ensuring complex decision making takes into account the individuals rights, our professional bodies standards and also respects that there is a public interest and a right to justice. Uniquely, the role of a forensic practitioner includes evidence gathering through forensic sampling, toxicology, documentation of injuries and provision of a statement to support the criminal justice system. This is required to be impartial and objective.
Please be advised: Skills for Health is not directly involved with this Trailblazer, therefore, the information is accurate and up to date to the best of our knowledge.
Route: Health and Science
Funding £ (Max): 5,000
Reference: ST0788
Typical length: 12 months
Level 7
Status: Approved
- Proposal Approved
- Standard Approved
- EPA Plan Approved
- Funding Band Assigned
- Training Provider Registered
- EPAO Registered
Enhanced Clinical PractitionerApproved6YesEnhanced Clinical Practitioner
This apprenticeship standard is approved for delivery.
This occupation is found in the health and care sector. Enhanced Clinical Practitioners are qualified health and social care professionals who are working at an enhanced level of practice with specific knowledge and skills in a field of expertise. They manage a discrete aspect of a patient’s care within their current level of practice, which will be particular to a specific context, be it a client group, a skill set or an organisational context. This is in contrast to Advanced Clinical Practitioners who have developed their knowledge and skills to an advanced level of practice and would manage the whole episode of a patient’s clinical care, from the time they first present, through to the end of the episode.
Route: Health and Science
Funding £ (Max): 7,000
Reference: ST0895
Typical length: 18 Months
Level: 6
- Web page version of Standard and Assessment Plan documents.
- Proposal Submitted
- Organisations involved
- NHS England – Enhanced Clinical Practitioner page
Status: Approved
- Proposal Approved
- Standard Approved
- EPA Plan Approved
- Funding Band Assigned
- Training Provider Registered
- EPAO Registered
Community Nurse Specialist Practitioner (NMC 2022)Approved7YesCommunity Nurse Specialist Practitioner (NMC 2022)
This apprenticeship standard is approved for delivery.
Community nurse specialist practitioners provide health care at an advanced level of practice to people of all ages and communities. They work across different organisations and settings; for example, primary care, social care, third-sector organisations, hospitals (including mental health), hospices, prisons, schools and other community services. The occupation’s broad purpose is working with people in a domestic setting (which could be an individual’s house), care homes, a hostel/hotels, prison services etc, a healthcare setting or even the streets, in the case of the homeless population. Community nurse specialist practitioners work independently and autonomously in situations that may be complex and challenging within the context specific environment they are working and are accountable for a large caseload of people with a wide range of complex and/or long-term health conditions, for whom they prioritise care, assess risk and may prescribe medication, dressings and appliances, in accordance with legislation.
NOTE: The latest agreed version is called ST1419 Community Nurse Specialist Practitioner (NMC 2022). ST0709 District Nurse (version 1.1) will be available until 31 August 2024 for new starts.
Route: Health and Science
Funding £ (Max): 14,000
Reference: ST1419
Typical length: 24 months
Level 7
- Web page version of Standard and Assessment Plan documents.
Status: Approved
- Proposal Approved
- Standard Approved
- EPA Plan Approved
- Funding Band Assigned
- Training Provider Registered
- EPAO Registered
Employability PractitionerApproved4YesEmployability Practitioner
This apprenticeship standard is approved for delivery.
This occupation is found in small, medium or large organisations which sit within any of the public, private or charitable sectors. These organisations will deliver employability support through local and national contracts across different public services such as back to work programmes, careers advice and guidance, housing, probation, health, social care, apprenticeships and skills development.
Please be advised: Skills for Health is not directly involved with this Trailblazer, therefore, the information is accurate and up to date to the best of our knowledge.
Route: Business and administration
Funding £ (Max): 6,000
Reference: ST0663
Typical length: 24 Months
Level 4
- Web page version of Standard and Assessment Plan documents.
- Organisations involved
Status: Approved
- Proposal Approved
- Standard Approved
- EPA Plan Approved
- Funding Band Assigned
- Training Provider Registered
- EPAO Registered
Technician ScientistApproved5YesTechnician Scientist
This apprenticeship standard is approved for delivery.
A technician scientist carries out established laboratory based investigations and basic scientific experimentation using bench and instrumentation techniques. They use a range of routine skills and some advanced and specialised skills following well established principles associated with their organisation’s science and technology, which may typically be within chemical, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, formulated products or analytical services.
Please be advised: Skills for Health is not directly involved with this Trailblazer, therefore, the information is accurate and up to date to the best of our knowledge.
Route: Health and Science
Funding £ (Max): 21,000
Reference: ST0597
Typical length: 36 Months
Level 5
- Web page version of Standard and Assessment Plan document
- Organisations involved
Status: Approved
- Proposal Approved
- Standard Approved
- EPA Plan Approved
- Funding Band Assigned
- Training Provider Registered
- EPAO Registered