Arts Therapies

Arts Therapist definition which can be found here Therapist is a profession regulated by the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). The HCPC sets out the standards of proficiency which every Arts Therapist must meet in order to become registered.

Arts Therapists work in a range of settings such as the NHS, local authorities, voluntary, or private sector, hospitals, clinics, education, shelters, hospices, or prisons.

The broad purpose of the occupation is to use art, drama or music to carry out therapy interventions to improve a person’s mental, physical health and wellbeing.  Arts Therapists are both artists in their chosen field and psychological therapists. They use art, drama or music as their primary mode of communication. Arts therapies can help to enhance general development, autonomy, social interaction and communication skills and can support both mental and physical rehabilitation.

The following Arts Therapist Apprenticeship standard is approved:

Follow the link to see more about this apprenticeship including the stage of development, funding band and duration. You can also download the standard and end point assessment documents as well as checking the training providers and end point assessment organisations that may be available.

Pathways Tool

You can access our Pathways Tool here. 

This tool allows you to see more about how apprentices may progress from one occupation to another.
