Employer Excellence in Careers Education Seminar

19 September, 2024

The Careers & Enterprise Company are hosting their first Employer Excellence in Careers Education Seminar.  They will explore how employers can address their skills needs to scale and sustain growth in their businesses.

In this first of the national seminar series, you will hear from leading employers and sector representatives on how they work with educators to support young people.

The panel of experts, hosted and chaired by Peter Cheese, Chief Executive, CIPD, will share insights and practice informed by the latest research and quality frameworks. They will explore how employers can develop skills, including through modern work experience, and help young people transition from education to employment.

Seminar will take place on Friday 22nd November, 9.45am-12.30pm, at The Wellcome Collection, Euston Rd, London

What to expect from the seminar:

  • Gain insight into the variety and innovative ways employers can have most impact in supporting young people to be “work ready”
  • Develop a greater understanding of the role employers play in preparing young people for the transition from education to employment
  • Understand the vital role employers play in careers education and how high-quality employer outreach is the first step of building a skills pipeline

Find out more and register for your place here.