
Image with numeracy written on it with numbers written in the background. Numeracy is one’s knowledge and skills in mathematics and its use in real life. Numeracy means understanding how maths is used in the real world and being able to apply it to make the best possible decisions.’ (National Numeracy)

Individual working at a desk, resources written in the foreground.

is free to health care employers and their staff. Basic Key Skills Builder (bksb for short) is a market-leading, functional software package.

bksb can:

  • Help prepare staff for functional skills qualifications in English and maths.
  • Be used for skills analysis by employers to inform workforce planning.

To get started, email with the following information:

  • The main contact for the trust
  • Number of learners estimated

Once bksb has completed the required checks, they will get you up and running with bksb.

You can access bksb for NHS and Social Care workers here.

Open Awards

Health or Social Care Employers whose employees or apprentices need to access an assessment to progress and are ready to sit an assessment can access Functional Skills training support through Open Awards at no direct cost.

Each learner would begin with an initial assessment, the results of which would dictate which learning path would be the most suitable.

The learning paths are:

  • Upskilling route
  • Qualification only route
  • Study and qualification route

Find out more and make an expression of interest.

National Numeracy

Health Education England works with National Numeracy. National Numeracy is an independent charity established to to help raise low levels of numeracy among both adults and children and to promote the importance of everyday maths skills.

Visit the Numeracy Champions Network and the National Numeracy Challenge pages to find out more.


Learn more about maths anxiety 

What is Maths Anxiety?

Maths Anxiety is defined as a negative emotional reaction to mathematics, leading to varying degrees of helplessness, panic and mental disorganisation that arises among some people when faced with a mathematical problem.

The Maths Anxiety Trust aims to eliminate anxiety about maths. Read more here. 

Access the Maths Anxiety Crash Course!

Click on video to hear Dr. Thomas Hunt speak about maths anxiety.

This course is presented by the Mathematics Anxiety Research Group based at the University of Derby led by Dr. Hunt.

Check out the Addressing Maths Anxiety guide here.