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This apprenticeship standard is approved for delivery
This occupation is found in health, education and social care. Arts Therapists work in a range of settings such as the NHS, local authorities, voluntary, or private sector, hospitals, clinics, education, shelters, hospices, or prisons. The broad purpose of the occupation is to use art, drama or music to carry out therapy interventions to improve a person’s mental, physical health and wellbeing. Arts Therapists are both artists in their chosen field and psychological therapists. They use art, drama or music as their primary mode of communication. Arts therapies can help to enhance general development, autonomy, social interaction and communication skills and can support both mental and physical rehabilitation.
This apprenticeship standard is approved for delivery
This occupation is found in the health and care sector. Senior healthcare support workers work in a range of settings for example in a hospital, as part of a community team, in a day-case unit, birthing centre, individual’s homes, operating theatres, nursing or care homes, hospices and in general practice. The broad purpose of the occupation is support registered healthcare professionals in the delivery of high quality and compassionate health and care services. A senior healthcare support worker will provide clinical, therapeutic or diagnostic care under the direct or indirect supervision of a registered healthcare professional.
Options: Adult Nursing Support, Mental Health Support, Maternity Support, Theatre Support, Children and Young People Support, Allied Health Profession Therapy Support, Diagnostic Imaging Support