Learning Disability Week 2024

18 June, 2024

What is Learning Disability week?

Each year, the third week of June is learning Disability week. It is when Mencap makes sure the world hears what life is like if you have a learning disability.

This years theme is “Do you see me?” which is all about being seen, heard and valued.

The topics to talk about each day during Learning Disability Week are:

  • Monday 17th June: “Do you see me?”
  • Tuesday 18th June: “Do you understand me?”
  • Wednesday 19th June: “Will you work with me?”
  • Thursday 20th June: “Do you hear me?”
  • Friday 21st June: “Do you include me?”
  • Saturday 22nd June: “Will you support me?”
  • Sunday 23rd June: A Summary of the week.

Find out more on the Mencap website here.

Visit our Disability at Work section which has a variety of resources to help ensure your apprenticeship offer is accessible.