Standard of the week – Level 6 Midwife (Degree) (NMC 2019)

27 June, 2024

The Level 6 Midwife (Degree) (NMC 2019) apprenticeship standard has been approved for delivery since 2nd October 2020.

The broad purpose of the occupation is to be the first and main contact for a woman, her partner and family. Recognised as a responsible and accountable professional, the midwife acts as an advocate for the woman, working in partnership with her and giving the necessary support, care and advice during pregnancy, labour and the postnatal period. Midwives are lead co-ordinators of care as well as the first point of contact for a woman, her baby and family. They offer support, care and advice and are responsible for facilitating births and providing care for the newborn. Midwives are experts in normal physiological birth and in supporting the woman through all birth outcomes.

There are currently 9 registered training providers for this standard.

From 1st August 2023, the Department for Education has merged RoATP (Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers) and RoEPAO (Register of End Point Assessment Organisations) and is now called APAR (Apprenticeship Provider and Assessment Register).

You access information about applying to the APAR as an apprenticeship training provider.

You can access the Level 6 Midwife (Degree) (NMC 2019) apprenticeship standard here.