International HR Day – Feature on People Professions

20 May, 2024

Did you know that 20th May is International HR Day? International HR Day is all about recognising and celebrating the value and positive impact that HR brings to the organisation and its people.

There a four key themes for International HR Day:

  • Continuous Investment in Skills and Education: Working with organisations to invest in upskilling employees and improving access to work and learning in the wider marketplace, especially marginalised groups and those whose jobs are at risk to build more sustainable work.
  • Championing Ethical Tech & AI Integration: Working with organisations to ensure transitions deliver decent work and good jobs. They embed principles of transparency and ethical use, provide policies on appropriate use, and ensure digitalisation boosts equality and inclusion and an enhanced employee autonomy and control.
  • Excellence in People Leadership: Working with organisations to earn the trust of employees through empathy, authentic leadership and open communication. They develop people leaders to build inclusive workplaces where everyone feels they can bring their authentic self to work each day.
  • Redefined Future Workspaces: Building high trust cultures and embedding EDI are the essence of good workplaces. Core to sustaining high performance and productivity is giving employees a voice, offering flexible and hybrid work opportunities, addressing pay gaps and promoting wellbeing and work life balance.

There are a large variety of apprenticeship standards available in the People Professions (HR & OD). Use our Apprenticeship Standards Factsheet to check out what’s available.

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