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Results for 'Business Administration'
Business AdministratorApproved3YesBusiness Administrator
This apprenticeship standard is approved for delivery
Business administrators have a highly transferable set of knowledge, skills and behaviours that can be applied in all sectors. This includes small and large businesses alike; from the public sector, private sector and charitable sector. The role may involve working independently or as part of a team and will involve developing, implementing, maintaining and improving administrative services. Business administrators develop key skills and behaviours to support their own progression towards management responsibilities. The responsibilities of the role are to support and engage with different parts of the organisation and interact with internal or external customers. With a focus on adding value, the role of business administrator contributes to the efficiency of an organisation, through support of functional areas, working across teams and resolving issues as requested.
Please be advised: Skills for Health is not directly involved with this Trailblazer, therefore, the information is accurate and up to date to the best of our knowledge.
Route: Business and Administrative
Funding £ (Max): 5,000
Reference: ST0070
Typical length: 12-18 months
Level 3
- Web page version of Standard and Assessment Plan documents.
- Organisations involved
- Standard snapshot
Status: Approved
- Proposal Approved
- Standard Approved
- EPA Plan Approved
- Funding Band Assigned
- Training Provider Registered
- EPAO Registered
Assistant Business AdministratorClosed2N/AAssistant Business Administrator
Route: Business and Administrative
Funding £ (Max):
Reference: n/a
Not progressed. See status report.
Sustainability Business Specialist (Integrated Degree)Approved7YesSustainability Business Specialist (Integrated Degree)
This apprenticeship standard is approved for delivery
The broad purpose of the occupation is to help organisations, businesses, charities, the public sector and social enterprises to find new and innovative approaches to working and build resilience based on economically sound, socially friendly and environmentally driven principles. They will be responsible for developing and collaborating in the development of organisational sustainability strategies. They will implement and monitor sustainability strategies, influencing behaviour of stakeholders, such as customers, suppliers, colleagues and consumers. The role is highly challenging and multifaceted and will reach across all areas of the organisation.
Please be advised: Skills for Health is not directly involved with this Trailblazer, therefore, the information is accurate and up to date to the best of our knowledge.
Route: Business and administration
Funding £ (Max): 11,000
Reference: ST0748
Typical length: 24 Months
Level 7
Status: Approved
- Proposal Approved
- Standard Approved
- EPA Plan Approved
- Funding Band Assigned
- Training Provider Registered
- EPAO Registered
Recruitment ResourcerRetired2YesRecruitment Resourcer
This apprenticeship standard is retired.
A recruitment resourcer may be employed in any organisation that requires a recruitment function. Their role is to identify, attract and shortlist candidates for the recruitment process to fulfil the requirements of the business brief and provide resourcing support to the recruitment function. They may also be required to identify new business opportunities. Typical responsibilities for a recruitment resourcer are: 1. Research, identify, attract and shortlist candidates for the recruitment process to fulfil the requirements of the business brief 2. Identify new business opportunities through a variety of means and refer these opportunities to a recruiter 3. Meet all procedures and carry out relevant processes to ensure industry codes of ethics and relevant legislation are adhered to.
This occupational standard and associated apprenticeship is retired. Current apprentices will be able to complete their programme. Employers who wish to start new apprentices should use ST1421 Recruiter as an alternative.
Please be advised: Skills for Health is not directly involved with this Trailblazer, therefore, the information is accurate and up to date to the best of our knowledge.
Route: Business and Administrative
Funding £ (Max): 5,000
Reference: ST0321
Typical length: 12 months minimum
Level 2
Status: Retired
- Proposal Approved
- Standard Approved
- EPA Plan Approved
- Funding Band Assigned
- Training Provider Registered
- EPAO Registered
Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability PractitionerApproved4YesCorporate Responsibility and Sustainability Practitioner
This apprenticeship standard is approved for delivery
This occupation is found in organisations that sit within the public, private or third sectors. Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability (CR&S) Practitioners are found in all industries and are increasingly a key component of virtually all types of business models where profit and growth are a means to an even greater end, such as protecting the environment and improving societal sustainability. The broad purpose of the occupation is to be a social conscience for the organisation, helping innovate and drive ambitions for social and environmental change and make these a reality that are embedded and implemented across the organisation. The roles and responsibilities of businesses are changing rapidly; society increasingly expects that organisations should act responsibly not just to their shareholders but also to their wider stakeholders and the broader community. Business therefore is a great platform for social and environmental change and CR&S Practitioners help to drive this by delivering an organisation’s CR&S strategy (“The Strategy”), releasing the power of business to contribute positively towards social and environmental outcomes.
Please be advised: Skills for Health is not directly involved with this Trailblazer, therefore, the information is accurate and up to date to the best of our knowledge.
Route: Business and administration
Funding £ (Max): 14,000
Reference: ST0934
Typical length: 36 Months
Level 4
Status: Approved
- Proposal Approved
- Standard Approved
- EPA Plan Approved
- Funding Band Assigned
- Training Provider Registered
- EPAO Registered
Improvement LeaderApproved6YesImprovement Leader
This apprenticeship standard is approved for delivery.
Improvement Leaders are responsible for developing improvement strategy, providing leadership in improvement for the business and for coaching and supporting Improvement Specialists in advanced analysis. The Improvement Leader typically reports to Board members or Heads of Department and manages (directly and/or matrix) a team of Improvement Specialists, who deploy the strategy, and lead improvement projects. They work closely with all functions of the business to support the setting and achievement of business goals, often accountable for Improvement activities within the largest-scale and highest priority programmes of work.
Please be advised: Skills for Health is not directly involved with this Trailblazer, therefore, the information is accurate and up to date to the best of our knowledge.
Route: Business and administration
Funding £ (Max): 15,000
Reference: ST0556
Typical length: 18-24 months
Level 6
Status: Approved
- Proposal Approved
- Standard Approved
- EPA Plan Approved
- Funding Band Assigned
- Training Provider Registered
- EPAO Registered
Service DesignerApproved6YesService Designer
This apprenticeship standard is approved for delivery
This occupation is found in the private, public and third sector, local, national, and multinational organisations and employers. Relevant sectors include the health sector, finance sector, business and professional services, retail sector, technology sector, government, public sector, and the charity sector. There has been a growing demand for service design skills to be embedded within culture and governance structures to support future ways of working.
The broad purpose of the occupation is to improve/redesign services currently offered or develop/design new service propositions to meet the needs of the user as well as the business and other stakeholders. Service designers take a user-centred, collaborative and exploratory approach to design the new service, iterating toward implementation.
Please be advised: Skills for Health is not directly involved with this Trailblazer, therefore, the information is accurate and up to date to the best of our knowledge.
Route: Business and administration
Funding £ (Max): 15,000
Reference: ST0894
Typical length: 24 - 30 months
Level 6
Status: Approved
- Proposal Approved
- Standard Approved
- EPA Plan Approved
- Funding Band Assigned
- Training Provider Registered
- EPAO Registered
Payroll AdministratorApproved3YesPayroll Administrator
This apprenticeship standard is approved for delivery
This occupation is found in organisations delivering in-house payroll or in a payroll bureau, bookkeeping or accounting practice providing payroll as a service. The payroll administrator may
sit within another business function, for example HR or Finance or may be a stand-alone role. The role may exist in the private, public or voluntary sector for businesses of varying sizes. The role delivers a customer service to employers, clients and those they employ, so both business and customer awareness are essential.Please be advised: Skills for Health is not directly involved with this Trailblazer, therefore, the information is accurate and up to date to the best of our knowledge.
Route: Legal, Finance and Accounting
Funding £ (Max): 10,000
Reference: ST0073
Typical length: 18-24 months
Level 3
Status: Approved
- Proposal Approved
- Standard Approved
- EPA Plan Approved
- Funding Band Assigned
- Training Provider Registered
- EPAO Registered
Network EngineerApproved4YesNetwork Engineer
This apprenticeship standard is approved for delivery
The primary role of a network engineer is to design, install, maintain and support communication networks within an organisation or between organisations. Network engineers need to maintain high levels of operation of communication networks in order to provide maximum performance and availability for their users, such as staff, clients, customers and suppliers. They will understand network configuration, cloud, network administration and monitoring tools, and be able to give technical advice and guidance.
Please be advised: Skills for Health is not directly involved with this Trailblazer, therefore, the information is accurate and up to date to the best of our knowledge.
Route: Digital
Funding £ (Max): 17,000
Reference: ST0127
Typical length: 30 months
Level 4
Status: Approved
- Proposal Approved
- Standard Approved
- EPA Plan Approved
- Funding Band Assigned
- Training Provider Registered
- EPAO Registered
Senior/Head of Facilities Management (Degree)Approved6YesSenior/Head of Facilities Management (Degree)
This apprenticeship standard is approved for delivery
FM practitioners work in the private, public or third sector and all sizes of organisation. Specific job roles at this level may include: Senior Facilities Manager; Head of Facilities; Head of Estates; Head of FM Operations. This role is accountable for the delivery of a variety of integrated FM operational services (e.g. cleaning, catering) across multiple sites or a portfolio of property assets and FM services, nationally or regionally. They are accountable for setting the FM strategy and budgets, overseeing the financial and operational performance of the FM function, managing client relationships, building the FM client base, business growth and developing the organizational capability of the FM workforce. They may be employed in-house by an FM company or this function might be outsourced and they may provide FM services in any industry sector.
Please be advised: Skills for Health is not directly involved with this Trailblazer, therefore, the information is accurate and up to date to the best of our knowledge.
Route: Construction
Funding £ (Max): 18,000
Reference: ST0410
Typical length: 42-48 months
Level 6
Status: Approved
- Proposal Approved
- Standard Approved
- EPA Plan Approved
- Funding Band Assigned
- Training Provider Registered
- EPAO Registered
Clinical CoderApproved3YesClinical Coder
This apprenticeship standard is approved for delivery.
Clinical coding is the process of translating medical information from patient records in hospitals, into alphanumeric codes. A Clinical Coder will spend time reading medical notes / records and analysing the contents which they then translate into alphanumeric codes that accurately represent the patient’s stay. Clinical Coders locate missing information by whatever process necessary including contacting Medical Secretaries or by pulling case notes and requesting diagnoses from clinical staff where appropriate. They input Clinical Codes onto the Patient Administration Systems, action outstanding clinical coding reports as required (including, bringing them to the attention of the appropriate team members, and senior Clinical Coding colleagues and/or manager(s) when necessary).
Route: Health and Science
Funding £ (Max): 5,000
Reference: ST0535
Typical length: 18-24 months
Level 3
- News/updates
- Organisations involved
- Proposal submitted (anonymised version)
- Standard snapshot
Status: Approved
- Proposal Approved
- Standard Approved
- EPA Plan Approved
- Funding Band Assigned
- Training Provider Registered
- EPAO Registered
Customer Service PractitionerApproved2YesCustomer Service Practitioner
This apprenticeship standard is approved for delivery
The role of a customer service practitioner is to deliver high quality products and services to the customers of their organisation. Your core responsibility will be to provide a high quality service to customers which will be delivered from the workplace, digitally, or through going out into the customer’s own locality. These may be one-off or routine contacts and include dealing with orders, payments, offering advice, guidance and support, meet-and-greet, sales, fixing problems, after care, service recovery or gaining insight through measuring customer satisfaction. You may be the first point of contact and work in any sector or organisation type. Your actions will influence the customer experience and their satisfaction with your organisation. You will demonstrate excellent customer service skills and behaviours as well as product and/or service knowledge when delivering to your customers.
Please be advised: Skills for Health is not directly involved with this Trailblazer, therefore, the information is accurate and up to date to the best of our knowledge.
Route: Sales, Marketing and Procurement
Funding £ (Max): 3,500
Reference: ST0072
Typical length: 12 months minimum
Level 2
Status: Approved
- Proposal Approved
- Standard Approved
- EPA Plan Approved
- Funding Band Assigned
- Training Provider Registered
- EPAO Registered
Customer Service SpecialistApproved3YesCustomer Service Specialist
This apprenticeship standard is approved for delivery
The main purpose of a customer service specialist is to be a ‘professional’ for direct customer support within all sectors and organisation types. You are an advocate of Customer Service who acts as a referral point for dealing with more complex or technical customer requests, complaints, and queries. You are often an escalation point for complicated or ongoing customer problems. As an expert in your organisation’s products and/or services, you share knowledge with your wider team and colleagues. You gather and analyse data and customer information that influences change and improvements in service. Utilising both organisational and generic IT systems to carry out your role with an awareness of other digital technologies. This could be in many types of environment including contact centres, retail, webchat, service industry or any customer service point.
Please be advised: Skills for Health is not directly involved with this Trailblazer, therefore, the information is accurate and up to date to the best of our knowledge.
Route: Sales, Marketing and Procurement
Funding £ (Max): 4,000
Reference: ST0071
Typical length: 15 months
Level 3
Status: Approved
- Proposal Approved
- Standard Approved
- EPA Plan Approved
- Funding Band Assigned
- Training Provider Registered
- EPAO Registered
Operational Research SpecialistApproved7YesOperational Research Specialist
This apprenticeship standard is approved for delivery.
This occupation is found in organisations of all sizes, including businesses across all industry sectors, government and other public sector bodies. These sectors include but are not limited to: Engineering, Government, Banking, Health, Telecommunications, Defence, Management Consulting, Transport, and Education. The broad purpose of the occupation is to help clients (either internally or externally) to make strategic, tactical and operational decisions by using advanced analytical methods to understand and solve complex non-routine problems. The benefits of Operational Research include a wide range of performance improvements such as reducing costs, increasing revenue, saving lives, raising levels of customer service and designing public policy
Please be advised: Skills for Health is not directly involved with this Trailblazer, therefore, the information is accurate and up to date to the best of our knowledge.
Route: Business and administration
Funding £ (Max): 14,000
Reference: ST0884
Typical length: 24 Months
Level 7
Status: Approved
- Proposal Approved
- Standard Approved
- EPA Plan Approved
- Funding Band Assigned
- Training Provider Registered
- EPAO Registered
Data Protection and Information Governance PractitionerApproved4YesData Protection and Information Governance Practitioner
This apprenticeship standard is approved for delivery,
This occupation is found in organisations of all sizes across all sectors where personal and commercial data is processed. Data protection and information governance practitioners work in varied environments including in an office, onsite, or remotely. An employee in this occupation will be responsible for assisting the organisation in its compliance with information governance and data protection best practice and associated laws and regulations. They will oversee and manage the day-to-day coordination of information requests such as data subject rights, freedom of information and environmental information regulations.
Please be advised: Skills for Health is not directly involved with this Trailblazer, therefore, the information is accurate and up to date to the best of our knowledge.
Route: Business and administration
Funding £ (Max): 10,000
Reference: ST0967
Typical length: 18 Months
Level 4
Status: Approved
- Proposal Approved
- Standard Approved
- EPA Plan Approved
- Funding Band Assigned
- Training Provider Registered
- EPAO Registered
Employability PractitionerApproved4YesEmployability Practitioner
This apprenticeship standard is approved for delivery.
This occupation is found in small, medium or large organisations which sit within any of the public, private or charitable sectors. These organisations will deliver employability support through local and national contracts across different public services such as back to work programmes, careers advice and guidance, housing, probation, health, social care, apprenticeships and skills development.
Please be advised: Skills for Health is not directly involved with this Trailblazer, therefore, the information is accurate and up to date to the best of our knowledge.
Route: Business and administration
Funding £ (Max): 6,000
Reference: ST0663
Typical length: 24 Months
Level 4
- Web page version of Standard and Assessment Plan documents.
- Organisations involved
Status: Approved
- Proposal Approved
- Standard Approved
- EPA Plan Approved
- Funding Band Assigned
- Training Provider Registered
- EPAO Registered