DDaT Apprenticeships Engagement Webinar

3 May, 2023

NHS England invite you to a lunch and learn session on the benefits of apprenticeships and how they can be utilised to address the DDaT (Digital, Data and Technology) workforce needs. This webinar will take place on 18th May from 1pm to 2pm. 

At this webinar you will hear from sector experts BCS – The Chartered Institute for IT & GK Apprenticeships plus NHS employers who are using apprenticeships to great success.

Apprenticeships are proven to increase retention and diversity in the workforce and are a fantastic tool to attract new talent to the health and social care sector and to develop the existing workforce.

Access the event flyer for further information and to register.

Please note that upon registration, attendees will receive a calendar invite from NHS Apprenticeships. They will then need to open and confirm as safe, then save and close to save to their work calendar. This calendar attachment contains the event joining link.