Delivering Quality Apprenticeships Featured Case Study: Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust

3 August, 2023

The revised “Delivering High Quality Apprenticeships: Guiding Principles for the NHS in England” was published recently. There are a variety of case studies contained within these principles.

We will be highlighting these fantastic case studies over the next few weeks.

Tom Gaukroger started volunteering at Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust and is now undertaking an apprenticeship.

Star Reiltin Cassidy started at the trust through the Prince’s Trust and is now undertaking an apprenticeship.

I now work on a ward as a Health Care Support Worker Apprentice. I love it and I am learning so much. This is the first step on the pathway to becoming a nurse.

You can access the Delivering High Quality Apprenticeships document on our Quality page along with other useful resources.

If you would like to learn more about volunteering or the Prince’s Trust Health and Care Programme visit our Pre-Apprenticeship page.