Looking back 2019

18 December, 2019

It has been another busy year for us at Skills for Health. Following the successful development of 11 apprenticeship standards in 2018, the pace has increased significantly this year.

Following on from all the proposals submitted last year, we have had 15 standards approved for delivery including many at degree level.

This year, Health Education England and Skills for Health have helped the health sector work on 24 new standards. Our Skills for Health facilitators have engaged with over 587 employers, 113 Higher Education Institution representatives and 209 stakeholders at various meetings and events.

We have also been very busy working on improvements to the HASO website and on the HASO twitter account, which opened at the beginning of this year, visit us here @HASOEngland.

Below are some testimonials from colleagues who use HASO regularly:

“HASO is my go to website for information about apprenticeships. I have everything I need in one place. When I explain to colleagues who are new to this agenda, I direct them straight to this site.”
Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

“HASO is accessed by all members of  my team. The newsletter is incredibly useful and gives up-to-date info on apprenticeships. We like the  format very much. Short snappy and in easy read style – just right for a busy team like ours”. 
Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust

“As the Apprenticeship Lead at Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust I regularly access the HASO website to keep up to date on the latest developments, for example, standards that are in the proposal/ early stages of development or those that have recently been approved. I have being using the site since its inception and have found it invaluable in providing guidance and support, the site is extremely easy to navigate your way around and is regularly updated to keep abreast of the fast moving apprenticeship reforms”.
Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust

Thank you to everyone involved in all the projects for your continued hard work and support.

Below is a snapshot of the trailblazer work to date:

Proposals awaiting feedback

Proposals approved

Standard approved, Assessment Plans in development or awaiting feedback

Standards approved for delivery in 2019