Safeguarding Officer Trailblazer Survey

23 February, 2022

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Clinical Commissioning Group are working alongside the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education in leading a trailblazer group to develop an apprenticeship standard for the role of a ‘Safeguarding Officer’.

The trailblazer group recognise that the wider remit and focus of safeguarding is evolving and that future safeguarding workforce planning needs to be innovative to facilitate a widened pathway for entry into employment. This would enable people from all backgrounds (not just those with a professional qualification) to pursue a career in safeguarding; broadening recruitment, help protect against burnout and enhance long-term retention.

The trailblazer group are seeking evidence to support the development of this apprenticeship standard. You can access this survey here.

This survey is currently open and will close on 11th March 2022.

This brief survey will take 5-10 minutes to complete and will enable the trailblazer group to provide evidence for route panel that these types of roles exist and are standalone roles (not in addition to other roles).

If you have any questions, queries or would like to be involved as part of the Trailblazer group please contact