S1: Act in line with legislation, standard operating procedures, codes of conduct and ways of working that apply to own role.
S2: Work within the scope of the role, the limits of own knowledge and skills and support others to do the same.
S3: Act in line with probity requirements and support others to do the same.
S4: Promote mental health, wellbeing and resilience in the workplace.
S5: Provide technical healthcare-science-based services relevant to own role.
S6: Recognise problems and seek technical solutions to them and support others to do the same.
S7: Perform a range of equipment management activities appropriate to own role including fault- finding, preventative maintenance, calibration or repair.
S8: Contribute to the drafting or revising of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).
S9: Support decisions made to initiate, continue, modify or cease using techniques or procedures.
S10: Analyse, interpret, record and present healthcare science technical data.
S11: Provide or support the provision of person-centred care.
S12: Take responsibility for any care provided by yourself and your team members including adhering to duty of care and safeguarding requirements.
S13: Apply policy and protocols that relate to informed consent.
S14: Protect the dignity, rights, privacy and confidentiality of individuals and support others to do the same.
S15: Deliver or support the delivery of high quality technical clinical procedures in the investigation or management of individuals.
S16: Convey information using appropriate techniques.
S17: Give and receive feedback that informs your own practice and that of others in the team.
S18: Use techniques to reduce communication barriers and support others to do the same.
S19: Keep accurate, confidential records and produce reliable data, inputting and retrieving information within required governance processes and checking that others do the same.
S20: Share information correctly as part of the healthcare science team and the multi-professional team.
S21: Use technology to present information.
S22: Follow protocols for dealing with or reporting difficult situations and complaints.
S23: Work as part of the healthcare science team and the wider healthcare team to provide healthcare science services.
S24: Plan, review and report on the work of a team and individuals within it.
S25: Follow delegation, reporting and escalation protocols appropriate to own role.
S26: Demonstrate leadership skills appropriate to own role and work in partnership with the healthcare science and wider healthcare team.
S27: Help create the conditions that assist the team in providing a supportive environment for colleagues.
S28: Maintain and check that others maintain a safe and healthy working environment.
S29: Participate in the management of risk, supporting others to do the same.
S30: Take appropriate action in response to incidents or emergencies, reporting or escalating as required by the situation.
S31: Move and transport items safely for example individuals or equipment and items.
S32: Adhere to protocols for infection prevention and control and support others to do the same.
S33: Follow guidelines and procedures for handling hazardous materials and substances.
S34: Demonstrate relevant health, safety or security practices to others in the team.
S35: Take part in quality management technical audit processes relevant to own role.
S36: Participate in audit or service improvement programmes.
S37: Share the outcome of audit or service improvement with others.
S38: Support the improvement of healthcare science practice by taking part in innovation or research or service improvement activities.
S39: Undertake audit, research or other activities which support quality improvement, innovation and sustainability in healthcare science.
S40: Critically reflect on your technical and non-technical practice and how it impacts on the quality and safety of patient care.
S41: Work within the limits of your personal competence, keeping up-to-date by engaging in continuing personal and professional development.
S42: Take part in mentoring processes with colleagues and students.
S43: Respond to appraisal or performance review and feedback in relation to your own development and action plans.
S44: Supervise and demonstrate practical skills to others.